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Will Sampson
Will Sampson

Will Sampson

Wayne County Community College District

Detroit, MI USA

"[Goals] keep everything in perspective...As long as I am able to keep it all out front, I am able to continue to strive and move forward."

Career Roadmap

Will's work combines: Education, Business, and Accomplishing Goals

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Day In The Life

Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Services

I am the chief enrollment and outreach officer that assists students in their transition to college.


Day In The Life Of An Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Services

My Day to Day

I spend a lot of time working hands-on with other students. I am a true advocate for students so I love assisting in any way that would support their endeavors.

Skills & Education

Advice for getting started

I used to camouflage my intelligence in order to blend in, but that only ended up working against me. I decided to start taking accelerated classes and getting more involved.

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    Mass Communication/Media Studies

    Adrian College

  • Graduate Degree

    Business Administration and Management, General

    Northwood University-Michigan

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life took a while to figure out

  • 1.

    Born and raised in Detroit, MI; describes himself as “a kid from the Motor City who never wanted to work at the plant.”

  • 2.

    Says he was a bright student, but feared being made fun of for being the “smart kid,” so he tried to camouflage his intelligence in order to blend in.

  • 3.

    Got involved in a program in high school that enabled him to take accelerated classes and secured him a scholarship to attend a private college, where he graduated with a degree in communications.

  • 4.

    Says school was his “sanctuary”—credits his interest in learning to his desire to get out of his neighborhood and away from gang violence.

  • 5.

    Ended up working in sales right out of college—he was good at his job, but after getting married and starting a family, he didn’t want to rely on a commission-based salary.

  • 6.

    Got a job answering phones at Wayne County Community College District—the chancellor of the college was so impressed by his dedication that he provided him opportunities to advance.

  • 7.

    Has worked for Wayne County Community College District for over a decade doing everything from recruiting to student services; he now serves as the associate vice chancellor of student services.

  • 8.

    He’s currently pursuing a doctorate with the goal of one day becoming the president of a community college so that he can be accessible to all students.

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    Messages from Myself:

    Don't be the "smart kid", you won't be popular.

  • How I responded:

    I used to camouflage my intelligence in order to blend in, but that only ended up working against me. I decided to start taking accelerated classes and getting more involved.

Experiences and challenges that shaped me

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  • I used to work in sales on a commission based salary, which was really unreliable when starting a family.

  • I grew up in a rough part of Detroit with a lot of gang violence, but I used school as a distraction and it kept me from falling into that life.

  • I didn't have a lot of guidance when it came to school, but I had strong family values and support.