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Sarah Salpeter

Sarah Salpeter

Zebra Technologies

"A positive outlook on life is critical - people want to be around positive people."

Career Roadmap

Sarah's work combines: Business, Technology, and Problem Solving

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Day In The Life

Sales - Government and Education Manager

I sell technology to Public safety depts, Cities, K12 & Higher Education

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

    Arthur L Johnson Regional HS

  • Bachelor's Degree

    Marketing/Marketing Management, General

    American University System

Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be a Sales - Government and Education Manager:

Bachelor's Degree: Marketing/Marketing Management, General

Learn more about different paths to this career

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life took a while to figure out

  • 1.

    My first sales position was knocking door to door in the garment district in NYC...for 10 "no's" you received 2 "yes".

  • 2.

    After succeeding in that "hunter" cold call role I was asked to be a Sales Mgr - training and motivating sales people on what it takes to be successful in the role

  • 3.

    After experiencing success in the Sales Mgr role I realized that I did not enjoy managing people, but I did want to manage large I moved into a Major Account Mgmt role.

  • 4.

    I did this role for 10 years - for a large telecom company. I was let go in a large I now had a reason to try something new. I found myself selling software to Law Enforcement.

  • 5.

    This new job entailed traveling to Midwest to meet /do presentations to PD's & Sheriffs - I had never traveled for work...& never presented to large groups. This combination was exciting & terrifying

  • 6.

    I then learned how Govt purchases through an RFP process - with formal vendor selection. I also learned about selling to multiple decision makers in 1 customer environment.

  • 7.

    The larger the deals you sell the larger the responsibility to the org you represent. Greater rewards and risk, so there are success and failure stories that are memorable.

  • 8.

    The toughest part of a Sales career are the up's and down's - how do you handle the down times are more important. Easier said then done...I have many tips to share.

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    Messages from Society in general:

    Sales has always had a stigma of a person who pushes products to consumers - that picture in ones mind of a used car salesman. Over the past 30 years I've learned that professional sales is one of the most creative and rewarding careers, & very lucrative

  • How I responded:

    Nothing happens in business until someone buys something. For products that cost over $50,000 into the millions it is an intelligent, creative business centric professional who helps people and organizations solve problems with technology, products...anything that has a significant price tag. But to start in this profession you sometimes need to start at a low level - in retail, over the phone...& move your way up to meeting with and influencing leaders in business, government, etc.

Experiences and challenges that shaped me

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  • I wanted to have a family but was not able to get pregnant naturally - we used technology and thank g-d have awesome kids. Working and being a new mother was challenging for me, but I knew that I needed to continue working & thankful that I did.

  • I chose a position w/a start-up that was considered big risk/big reward. Unfortunately it did not manifest for all involved, & my income was reduced by half during this time which put me into severe credit card debt for 5 yrs...a very stressful time