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Mike Olson
Mike Olson

Mike Olson

Mervin Manufacturing

Sequim, WA USA

"I ended up making a deal with this old retired lady; she had an old race-horse barn. My rent was mowing the lawn and cleaning her gutters, and that was my first shop."

Career Roadmap

Mike's work combines: Action Sports, Engineering, and Building Things

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Day In The Life


I design and build snowboards.

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life has been direct

  • 1.

    Met his co-founder, Pete Saari, in his junior year of high school.

  • 2.

    He'd made snowboards in his shop class; because there were no major snowboard stores in his area, he'd started making them for friends.

  • 3.

    In college, he and Pete started scheming, trying to figure out how they could drop out and start making boards full-time.

  • 4.

    Once Mike got his mother's blessing, he quit school.

  • 5.

    Struck a deal with an older woman-he'd do her housework in order to use her barn as a workspace where he could build boards.

  • 6.

    After Pete graduated, he joined Mike at "the shop"; they decided to name the operation after their mutual friend, Mervin.

  • 7.

    They were a very small operation for a long time, using the commission from one board to build the next.

  • 8.

    Sticking to their company's mission statement-focusing on innovation, manufacturing everything within the U.S.-has led to the team's success.