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Elaine Kwon
Elaine Kwon

Elaine Kwon

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

New York, NY USA

"I said I'm gonna really absolutely follow my heart, 'cause otherwise I'm going to feel sick inside."

Career Roadmap

Elaine's work combines: Acting & Theatre, Music, and Being Creative

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Day In The Life

Pianist / Tae Kwon Do Champion

I'm a prize-winning concert pianist, martial artist, fitness model, and a lecturer in music at MIT.

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    Music Performance, General

    The University of Texas at Austin

  • Graduate Degree

    Music Performance, General

    The New England Conservatory of Music

  • Graduate Degree

    Music Performance, General

    Boston University

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life has been direct

  • 1.

    Had a demanding father who just wanted her to succeed, pushed her, knew as a minority female, she'd have to work "doubly hard."

  • 2.

    Started playing piano at age four.

  • 3.

    Was set up to go to the University of Washington and study medicine when she "made a break."

  • 4.

    Realized she didn't want to go into medicine, had a tough conversation with her father and "just left," went to study piano in Texas.

  • 5.

    Says it was very important for her to get away from home, where she slipped back into old habits; says find yourself your own space.

  • 6.

    At age 25, she found a new passion for taekwondo; said "whatever strikes me, I'm gonna try to explore."

  • 7.

    Answered Nike ad calling for fitness models; went for it at age 37 even though they wanted ages 18-23; got the part; says "What's too old?"

  • 8.

    Says "you can redefine what it means to be a woman at any age."