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Dean O'Malley
Dean O'Malley

Dean O'Malley

Jetpack America

Newport Beach, CA USA

"Scare yourself just a little bit, then work through it and figure out how you're going to come out safely on the other side."

Career Roadmap

Dean's work combines: Action Sports, Sports, and Working with Others

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Day In The Life


I'm introducing the world to water jetpack flight, with jetpack sales, rentals and training at our flight centers.

My Day to Day

I wear many hats, from Certified Flight Instructor to Social Media Rep to Marketing Manager, but my primary job is to help the world see just how much fun it is to fly a jetpack. I love getting out in the water, showing people an amazing time, and helping them conquer their fears.

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    Economics, General

    University of California-San Diego

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life took a while to figure out

  • 1.

    Was always confused by the kids and students around him who knew exactly what they wanted to be.

  • 2.

    Worked in corporate consulting at a big bank for some time after college.

  • 3.

    Says you're continually changing-what you like now, you might not like in 4 years or 10 years, so keep experimenting.

  • 4.

    Eventually realized he hated his job; quit without a single plan, just knew he couldn't keep doing consulting.

  • 5.

    A friend showed him a YouTube video of someone jetpacking, which he'd never seen before.

  • 6.

    Helped start up and run Jetpack America, which provides lessons and flight experiences on their jetpacks.

  • 7.

    Says it's better to jump in and try things-even if you don't enjoy something, you won't have regrets, wondering if you should've tried.

  • 8.

    Believes personal growth comes from extending yourself a little bit past your comfort zone.